My Greatest Creation Yet….

As I lay in a hospital bed listening to the monitors beside me quietly hum I thought to myself, “Wow, this is it. By this afternoon I will be holding my baby boy.” It took a while for the reality to set in. Even that morning as the contractions had begun and my water broke it took me a while to accept that I was in labor and that my baby was coming.  I was 2 and a half weeks early and it was Christmas day. Just two days before my doctor had jokingly said, “Now don’t have that baby on Christmas because I will be on vacation until New Years.” I was supposed to be going to a funeral the next day, my family was gone for Christmas, and my in-laws were on a cruise. The bassinet was still in a box on the living room floor beside the car seat. I still had a shopping list of “post-baby” items I needed to get.

But as I lay there listening to my baby’s heartbeat and watching my husband sleep I realized that none of that stuff mattered. My baby was on his way and I had a loving husband by my side. I stopped worrying about everything that hadn’t gotten done and had a reality check that I soon would be holding a tiny human that I had made.

A short time later as the doctor lay my son on my chest I looked down at his perfect body and thought to myself,  “I made this!” After he was cleaned up and brought back to me I examined his perfect tiny ears and perfect tiny fingers. I was still in awe that this tiny boy had just come out of me. My husband stood by my side and asked me what I thought. I looked up at him and replied, “Babe we made this! And he is completely perfect!” He laughed and agreed that we had made the cutest kid possible.

Over the next few days I wanted everyone to admire my beautiful creation. But as I said they were all on vacations, some even out of the country. We did have a few visitors and I loved letting them look at my beautiful baby boy, but wasn’t as willing to let them hold him, I was enjoying that part to much. But my pride for my son flowed way beyond the number of visitors we had and text’s I wanted to send (the pictures just didn’t do him justice). So I resorted to having to tell my husband how cute this baby was. Nick would walk into the room and I would hold our baby up and say, “look, we made this!” He would come out of the bathroom and I whispered, “look how cute he is!” Nick would  move around the room, send a text or answer a phone call and I would excitedly remind him, “Hey babe, look at his perfect ears, and his nose, and his fingers, and….” it went on and on. But thankfully he was just as excited as me and agreed that this was the greatest creation we have made.


One thought on “My Greatest Creation Yet….

  1. Marisha says:

    Oh Annie, I am so excited for you, and just love that precious baby boy that you have! I definitely need to come visit soon and snuggle him, because my baby won’t let me snuggle him anymore ;). I do think that he is perfect, and that it is definitely your greatest creation! Love ya!


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